The State of America's Children
Children's Defense Fund, December 2023, 86 pp.
A compilation of national and state-by-state data on poverty, health, child welfare, youth at risk, early childhood development, education, nutrition and housing. Report is compiled annually. more info >
Undermeasuring: College and Career Readiness Indicators May Not Reflect College and Career Outcomes
Alliance for Excellent Education, February 2023, 4 pp.
This report compares statewide college and career readiness rates with college enrollment and college remediation rates for a cohort of high school students for all 50 states and Washington, DC. This comparison shed light on racial disparities in readiness and enrollment rates, and gaps between post-secondary readiness and outcomes, some of which are related to how readiness is measured. more info >
Big Ideas for Children
First Focus, December 2022, 191 pp.
Part of a series calling upon policy thinkers to provide fresh proposals designed to advance federal policy and improve the health, safety, and well-being of children. more info >
State of Black America
National Urban League, June 2022
Annual report presenting the National Urban League's Equality Index. Focuses on unemployment and income equality, but also includes measures of education, health, civic engagement, housing, transportation, and public safety for Hispanic, Black, and White populations. Includes metropolitan area rankings of unemployment and income equality. Requires a free registration to download full reports. more info >
The Condition of Education 2022
National Center for Education Statistics, May 2022, 46 pp.
Annual report that summarizes trends in education. Indicators include educational attainment, earnings and unemployment rates by educational attainment, families living in poverty, early childhood education participation, English language learners, children and youth with disabilities, and postsecondary enrollment. more info >
Race in the Heartland: Equity, Opportunity, and Public Policy in the Midwest
Iowa Policy Project, Policy Matters Ohio, October 2019, 37 pp.
Examines racial disparities in economic opportunity and economic outcomes in the Midwest, and proposes a range of policy solutions. more info >
Are Achievement Gaps Related to Discipline Gaps? Evidence From National Data
The Center for Civil Rights Remedies, The Civil Rights Project, October 2019, 18 pp.
This study using national data finds evidence that districts with larger racial discipline gaps have larger racial achievement gaps, demonstrating that racial disparities in school discipline and academic achievement gaps are closely linked. more info >
Afterschool Programs: A Review of Evidence Under the Every Student Succeeds Act
Wallace Foundation, March 2019, 70 pp.
This report, a review of research from 2000 to 2017, examines afterschool programs that meet ESSA's top tier requirements and which show positive impacts on students. Programs reviewed span grades K-12 and and range from academic to physical fitness to career development. more info >
Chronic Absenteeism in the Nation's Schools
United States Department of Education, January 2019
Students who are chronically absent—meaning they miss at least 15 days of school in a year—are at serious risk of falling behind in school. Yet, few states report information about chronic absenteeism. New data illuminates the extent of chronic absenteeism, providing information about who is chronically absent, at what grade levels chronic absenteeism tends to occur, and how chronic absenteeism compares community-by-community and state-by-state. more info >
Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children
The Annie E. Casey Foundation, October 2017, 52 pp.
Presents the Race for Results Index, a collection of data presented by racial and ethnic groups and by state. Indicators address early childhood, academic achievement, teen parenting, higher education, and family characteristics. more info >
Family Disadvantage and the Gender Gap in Behavioral and Educational Outcomes
Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, September 2017, 71 pp.
A look at the relationship between family environment, gender, and race and impacts on educational achievement and behavior outcomes. more info >
Mass Incarceration and Children’s Outcomes: Criminal Justice Policy is Education Policy
Economic Policy Institute, December 2016
As many as one in ten African American students has an incarcerated parent. This report reviews studies from many disciplines showing that parental incarceration leads to an array of cognitive and noncognitive outcomes known to affect children's performance in school, and suggests that the American criminal justice system contributes to the racial achievement gap. more info >
Educational Equity: What Does it Mean? How Do We Know When We Reach It?
Center for Public Education, January 2016, 10 pp.
This report provides a brief overview of educational equity and reviews data on students served by public schools. It then describes the areas in an equity agenda that research shows will have the greatest impact on student outcomes: funding, curriculum, teachers and discipline policies as a starting point for school system and community conversations. more info >
Discretion and Disproportionality: Explaining the Underrepresentation of High-Achieving Students of Color in Gifted Programs
American Educational Research Association, January 2016, 25 pp.
Students of color are underrepresented in gifted programs relative to White students, but the reasons for this underrepresentation are poorly understood. This report investigate the predictors of gifted assignment using nationally representative, longitudinal data on elementary students. more info >
Full-day Kindergarten Helps Close the Achievement Gaps
National Education Association, July 2015, 4 pp.
Offers support for full-day kindergarten as a way to increase learning and close the achievement gap. more info >
Course, Counselor, and Teacher Gaps: Addressing the College Readiness Challenge in High-Poverty High Schools
The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), June 2015, 17 pp.
This report analyzes the nation's 100 largest school districts and identifies major gaps in school resources and their impact on youth. more info >
Discipline Disparities Series
Indiana University, March 2014, 8 pp.
Series of research papers on disparities in the use of school discipline. They address policy, practice, and research summarizing the state of knowledge and offer evidence-based recommendations for reducing disparities. more info >
Beginning Teachers are More Common in Rural, High-Poverty, and Racially Diverse Schools
Carsey Institute, July 2012, 6 pp.
This report finds that poor communities have moderately higher percentages of beginning teachers than communities with lower poverty rates and that a higher concentration of minority students in a district is associated with a higher percentage of beginning teachers. The combined impact of poverty, race, and urbanicity has a substantial effect on the probability that a district has a critically high percentage of beginning teachers, indicating a high turnover rate and possible issues of quality. more info >
Housing Costs, Zoning, and Access to High-Scoring Schools
Brookings Institution, April 2012, 31 pp.
Looks at the relationship between housing market regulations and housing costs near high- and low-scoring schools. Presents data on the restrictiveness of zoning restrictions, economic segregation, housing cost gaps, and test score gaps for national metropolitan areas, including the Twin Cities. more info >
Women in America: Indicators of Social and Economic Well-being
U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration, March 2011, 97 pp.
This report provides a statistical picture of women in America in five critical areas: demographic and family changes, education, employment, health, and crime and violence. more info >
Presents measures of child wellbeing and policy analysis for states, counties, large cities, and metropolitan areas. more info >