Quality of life can be improved when we build communities that are supportive for people of all ages and encourage active community participation and healthy and sustainable lifestyles for older residents.
In 2011, the leading edge of the Baby Boomers (Americans born between 1946 and 1964) began to turn 65 years old. As the Baby Boom generation ages, this dramatic demographic shift will affect our state’s workforce, health and human services agencies, and beyond. A desire to maintain good health, social connections, and sufficient financial resources are and will continue to be priorities for many older residents and their families.
Energy development in the western part of North Dakota is leading to population growth in some areas of the state, and demographic shifts across the state. Due to these demographic shifts, the proportion of older adults is not expected to reach as high of levels as previously projected. However, the older adult population in North Dakota has grown and will continue to do so in the coming years.
People today are living longer than they have in the past. Yet, health remains a concern for older adults. As residents age, costly chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, affect larger proportions of our residents; therefore, it is important to promote healthy behaviors for residents of all ages to maintain well-being in later years. With increasing age also comes increased likelihood of disability. Communities need to adapt to allow older adults to age in place, including providing accessible housing, dependable and affordable transportation options, and efficient delivery of services.
The proportion of older adults in the workforce continues to increase compared to previous generations as health has improved at older ages and jobs have become less physically demanding. In addition, the educational attainment level of older adults has increased.
It is important to promote civic engagement among older adults. Research demonstrates that older volunteers are the most likely to receive physical and mental health benefits from their volunteer activities.