
Looking for new and notable information to help you dig deeper into an issue? Start with these featured reports and web sites, and then browse through our full selection by topic.

Reports: Featured

Kids Count Data Book: State Trends in Child Well-Being
Annie E. Casey Foundation, July 2024, 54 pp.
This annual report provides data on 10 indicators of child well-being, by state and for the U.S. States are ranked on each indicator and compared to previous years.   more info >

The State of America's Children
Children's Defense Fund, December 2023, 86 pp.
A compilation of national and state-by-state data on poverty, health, child welfare, youth at risk, early childhood development, education, nutrition and housing. Report is compiled annually.   more info >

America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, September 2023, 118 pp.
Reports data on a set of indicators of child well-being. Indicators included are in the categories of family and social environment, economic categories, health care, physical environment and safety, behavior, education, and health. This is an annual report.   more info >

Undermeasuring: College and Career Readiness Indicators May Not Reflect College and Career Outcomes
Alliance for Excellent Education, February 2023, 4 pp.
This report compares statewide college and career readiness rates with college enrollment and college remediation rates for a cohort of high school students for all 50 states and Washington, DC. This comparison shed light on racial disparities in readiness and enrollment rates, and gaps between post-secondary readiness and outcomes, some of which are related to how readiness is measured.   more info >

Integrated Student Supports in Schools May Boost Lifetime Incomes for Students in Families with Low Incomes
Child Trends, December 2022, 1 pp.
“Soft skills” are important for human capital development and workforce success. Nevertheless, a soft skills “gap” is noted by many employers. This white paper recommends a research-based set of key soft skills that increase the chance that youth ages 15–29 will be successful in the workforce.   more info >

Toward Ending the Monolithic View of "Undererpresented Students:" Why Higher Education Must Account for Racial, Ethnic, and Economic Variations in Barriers to Equity
Western Interstate Commisssion for Higher Education, September 2022, 68 pp.
This report synthesizes commentary, research, and programmatic activity on how higher education has grappled with disaggregating and using student data to confront and close equity gaps for particular student populations in order to advance high-level evidence-based conversation about equity and learning in U.S. colleges and universities.   more info >

Preparing Young Children for School
Institute of Education Sciences, August 2022, 187 pp.
This practice guide, developed in conjunction with an expert panel, distills contemporary early childhood and preschool education research into seven easily comprehensible and practical recommendations. The guidance will help to prepare young children to benefit from the learning opportunities they will encounter in school.   more info >

Student achievement gaps and the pandemic: A new review of evidence from 2021–2022
Center for Reinventing Public Education, August 2022, 16 pp.
This report is one of a series examining evidence on the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on students’ academic progress, mental health and social-emotional well-being. This report focuses on student academics.   more info >

Early Childhood Learning and Children's Literacy Skills in Kindergarten and Third Grade
Crane Center For Early Childhood Research and Policy, July 2022, 16 pp.
Describes five policy actions that governors can take to ensure all children read at grade level by the end of third grade.   more info >

The Condition of Education 2022
National Center for Education Statistics, May 2022, 46 pp.
Annual report that summarizes trends in education. Indicators include educational attainment, earnings and unemployment rates by educational attainment, families living in poverty, early childhood education participation, English language learners, children and youth with disabilities, and postsecondary enrollment.   more info >

Improving School-Family Communication and Engagement Lessons from Remote Schooling during the Pandemic
University of Chicago Consortium on School Research, April 2022, 26 pp.
This report discusses outcomes from a series of focus groups with educators and students' families to identify promising communication practices and strategies used during remote schooling prompted by COVID-19. The lessons learned from these focus groups can also inform educators’ communication and engagement practices with families beyond remote contexts.   more info >

The Supplemental Expenditure Poverty Measure: A New Method for Measuring Poverty
Brookings Institute, March 2022, 88 pp.
Examines a new method for measuring poverty in the United States,based on families’ spending and easily accessible resources, finds that about eight million more people lived in poverty in 2019 than reported by the government’s conventional income-based approach.   more info >

Do Sectoral Training Programs Work? What the Evidence on Project Quest and Year Up Really Shows
Brookings Institution, January 2022, 8 pp.
This report examines evidence on the sector-based programs Project Quest and Year Up, concluding that they remain among the most successful education and training efforts available for US workers.   more info >

Reviewing the Research Base from 1985-2020: Infant and Toddler Child Care and At-Risk Children’s School Readiness
University of Virginia, July 2021, 64 pp.
This report reviews research on infant and toddler child care conducted since roughly 1985, looking particularly at studies highlighting the roles subsidized care, child care quality, and different programmatic inputs can play in supporting the school readiness of young children considered to be at-risk for poor developmental outcomes.   more info >

Web sites

Education Policy Research
Education section of Mathematica Policy Research. Provides research information about topics including curriculum, teacher quality, at-risk youth, technology and school choice.   more info >

The Campbell Collaboration
International collaboration that is compiling a database of effective programs and practices in the areas of crime and justice, education and social welfare.   more info >

Prosperity Now Scorecard
Ranks the 50 states and the District of Columbia on performance measures in the areas of Financial Security, Business Development, Homeownership, Health Care and Education.   more info >
Presents measures of child wellbeing and policy analysis for states, counties, large cities, and metropolitan areas.   more info >

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Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

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