
Reports: Out-of-school time

Investing in Successful Summer Programs A Review of Evidence Under the Every Student Succeeds Act
RAND Corporation, June 2019, 163 pp.
This report provides a systematic review of the evidence supporting summer programs and descriptions of evidence-based programs and guidance regarding the effectiveness of summer interventions.   more info >

Afterschool Programs: A Review of Evidence Under the Every Student Succeeds Act
Wallace Foundation, March 2019, 70 pp.
This report, a review of research from 2000 to 2017, examines afterschool programs that meet ESSA's top tier requirements and which show positive impacts on students. Programs reviewed span grades K-12 and and range from academic to physical fitness to career development.   more info >

After the Bell Youth Activity Engagement in Relation to Income and Metropolitan Status
Carsey Public Policy Institute, May 2017, 6 pp.
This brief uses data from the 2012 National Survey of Children’s Health to examine involvement in extracurricular activities among youth ages 12–18. It finds that access to extracurricular activities and employment is growing more unequal, and that lower-income youth may be increasingly disadvantaged compared to middle- and upper-income children.   more info >

From Soft Skills to Hard Data: Measuring Youth Program Outcomes
Forum for Youth Investment, January 2014, 76 pp.
Reviews youth outcome measurement tools appropriate for use in after-school programs. Outcome areas include: communication, relationships and collaboration, critical thinking and decision-making, and initiative and self-direction.   more info >

The impact of youth development programs on student academic achievement
National Collaboration for Youth, March 2011, 8 pp.
This brief cites evaluations and profiles of a sample of diverse community-based programs that affect student performance and reduce negative outcomes.   more info >

Web sites

Education Policy Research
Education section of Mathematica Policy Research. Provides research information about topics including curriculum, teacher quality, at-risk youth, technology and school choice.   more info >

Education Commission of the States
Educational information covering early learning, K-12, and postsecondary. The issue sites include summaries of the facts, what states are doing, programs and practice, and sources of additional information on topics such as school readiness, assessment, at-risk students, charter schools, child abuse, educational attainment, mentoring, teaching, and many more.   more info >

ERIC Database (Education Resources Information Center)
Database of education research.   more info >

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North Dakota Compass

Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

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Wilder Research

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