
Reports: Early childhood

The State of America's Children
Children's Defense Fund, December 2023, 86 pp.
A compilation of national and state-by-state data on poverty, health, child welfare, youth at risk, early childhood development, education, nutrition and housing. Report is compiled annually.   more info >

Basic Facts About Low-Income Children
National Center for Children in Poverty, April 2021, 9 pp.
These fact sheets describe the demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic characteristics of children and their parents. They highlight important factors that appear to distinguish low-income and poor children from their less disadvantaged counterparts.   more info >

States Can Improve Supports for Infants and Toddlers Who Are In or At Risk Of Entering Foster Care
Zero to Three, Child Trends, February 2020, 91 pp.
Presents results of a survey of state child welfare agencies about the policies and practices already in place for infants and toddlers in care and at risk of entering care, as well as where the child welfare field can leverage opportunities.   more info >

The Effects Of Early Care And Education On Children’s Health
Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, April 2019, 6 pp.
Examines how early child care and education may lead to improvements in short-and long-term health-related outcomes for children.   more info >

Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children
The Annie E. Casey Foundation, October 2017, 52 pp.
Presents the Race for Results Index, a collection of data presented by racial and ethnic groups and by state. Indicators address early childhood, academic achievement, teen parenting, higher education, and family characteristics.   more info >

Child Poverty Higher and More Persistent in Rural America
Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire, February 2016, 8 pp.
This brief looks at the incidence of high child poverty over the past three decades and at the places where such high child poverty has persisted for all of those decade. It shows that the incidence of high child poverty is growing nationwide and that rural America includes a disproportionate share of children living in poverty.   more info >

Policies that Strengthen Fatherhood and Family Relationships: What Do We Know, and What Do We Need to Know?
MDRC, April 2010, 45 pp.
Widening gaps in fathers’ involvement in parenting and in the quality and stability of parents’ relationships may reinforce disparities in outcomes for the next generation. This paper reviews evidence about the effectiveness of two strategies to strengthen fathers’ involvement and family relationships.   more info >

Web sites

Young Child Risk Calculator
State-level assessment of the prevalence of young children experiencing selected risk factors which can adversely affect health, school, and development outcomes.   more info >

National Center for Children in Poverty
Research on preventing child poverty and improving the lives of low-income families. Includes poverty statistics and information on child care, welfare reform, and more.   more info >

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Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

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