Building Resilient Rural Places: Strategies from Local Leaders To Strengthen Rural Assets, Diversity, and Dynamism
Brookings Institute, December 2020
A research series focused on effective solutions for rural economic and community development and innovative efforts underway to implement them. Each briefs highlights locally tailored economic development strategies that value and build upon place-based assets and which have generated success in fostering rural economies and opportunities. more info >
State of the Heartland: Factbook 2018
Brookings Institute, November 2018, 110 pp.
This report benchmarks the performance of the 19-state American “Heartland” on 26 socioeconomic measures and is intended to help Heartland leaders and citizens better comprehend the region’s current trajectory at a time of rapid economic and social change. more info >
Business Retention and Expansion Visitation Fundamentals
North Dakota State University, September 2017, 36 pp.
This publication provides advice on how a community can instigate a business retention and expansion (BR&E) plan, which is a necessary part of community building. more info >
Beginning Again North Dakota: An Asset-Based Development Program for Rural Communities Using a Community Capitals Framework
North Dakota State University, May 2017, 76 pp.
Presents an approach to rural community economic development. It is intended to improve residents' quality of life, promote a stronger local economy, and enhance the region's environmental health. more info >
Framework for Creating a Smart Growth Economic Development Strategy A Tool for Small Cities and Towns
United States Environmental Protection Agency, August 2016, 38 pp.
A step-by-step guide to building a place-based economic development strategy which is based on building upon existing assets, taking incremental actions to strengthen communities, and building long-term value to attract a range of investments. more info >
Informing Investments in Preschool Quality and Access in Cincinnati: Evidence of Impacts and Economic Returns from National, State, and Local Preschool Programs
RAND Corporation, May 2016, 31 pp.
Examines the research evidence on the short- and long-run effects of high-quality preschool programs for participating children and their families and the associated costs and economic returns. A discussion about the impacts for universal versus targeted programs and for programs of varying intensity is included. more info >
Building Assets Through Microenterprise
The Aspen Institute, January 2014, 12 pp.
Strategies being used by microenterprise development programs to help low-income families improve their financial footing, acquire assets and build wealth. more info >
Soul of the Community: Grand Forks
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, February 2011, 20 pp.
This study was conducted over three years in 26 cities across the United States where Knight Foundation is active. It was designed to find out what emotionally attaches people to a community and what makes them want to put down roots and build a life there. more info >
Prosperity Now Scorecard
Ranks the 50 states and the District of Columbia on performance measures in the areas of Financial Security, Business Development, Homeownership, Health Care and Education. more info >
Rural Grocery Stores: Ownership Models and Tips
This site examines some common ownership models used by individuals and communities to address the need for local grocery stores in rural communities. more info >