
Reports: Other Economy

U.S Child Poverty Has Significantly Increased
September 2023, 8 pp.
The year 2023 saw a significant increase in child poverty, with 12.4 percent of children living in poverty in 2022 compared with 5.2% of children in 2021. This represents a more than doubling of child poverty in 2022 from 2021 - a record one-year increase due largely to the expiration of improvements to the Child Tax Credit included in the American Rescue Plan Act.   more info >

Are Income Tax Breaks for Seniors Good for State Economic Growth?
Carsey School of Public Policy, February 2023, 8 pp.
This brief looks at the impact on state economic growth of expanding income tax breaks for seniors, suggesting it would be beneficial for economic growth.   more info >

State unemployment by race and ethnicity
Economic Policy Institute, December 2022, 8 pp.
Analyzes national and state unemployment rates by race and ethnicity to generate a national unemployment forecast and report estimates for all states and racial subgroups.   more info >

Clean Energy Project Development for Low-Income Communities Strengthening the Ecosystem for Delivering Solar Energy and Deep Efficiency Retrofits
Carsey Institute for Public Policy, February 2022, 16 pp.
Scaling clean energy in low-income communities presents challenges. This report outlines a road map depicting the ecosystem needed to deliver clean energy projects to underserved communities.It includes examples of work that different organizations are doing and concludes that more capacity-building funding and support is needed at the grassroots level of the ecosystem.   more info >

Midwestern Higher Education Compact: Annual Report to the Member States, 2020-2021
Midwest Higher Education Compact, February 2022, 10 pp.
Annual report including performance indicators for postsecondary education in Minnesota, North Dakota, and other midwestern states. Includes data on rates of enrollment, degree completion, and state investments in postsecondary education.   more info >

Untapped Potential: Economic Impact of Childcare Breakdowns on U.S. States
Center for Education and Workforce, November 2021, 44 pp.
Examines the impact of childcare challenges on the state economies of Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Missouri, and Texas. The studies reveal that addressing childcare breakdowns would unlock significant economic potential for states, employers, and working parents.   more info >

Rural America at a Glance: 2021 Edition
United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, November 2021, 18 pp.
This report highlights the most recent indicators of social and economic conditions in rural areas, focusing on the U.S. rural economy, including employment, population, poverty, and income trends.   more info >

Despite Pandemic, Civically Engaged Youth Report Higher Well-Being
CIRCLE, July 2021, 6 pp.
An analysis of the effects of the pandemic on youth, suggesting that civic access and participation helped some youth thrive despite the negative economic impacts of COVID-19, especially on young people of color.   more info >

Linking Health and Economic Prosperity
Wilder Research and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, December 2019, 37 pp.
This study examines the relationship between population health and economic activity in metropolitan areas in the United States through an analysis of longitudinal data that spans a 15-year period. Results suggest that population health contributes meaningfully to a community’s economic strength.   more info >

Child Care Expenses Make Middle=Class Incomes Hard to Reach
Carsey School of Public Policy, August 2018, 6 pp.
This fact sheet presents estimates of the number of families that cannot maintain a middle-class income as a result of child care expenses.   more info >

Full-Time Employment Not Always a Ticket to Health Insurance
Carsey Institute, March 2018, 6 pp.
Employment does not necessarily lead to health coverage for lower-income workers in the same way it typically does for higher income workers. This brief documents differences in health insurance coverage by workers’ income, and explores who is eligible for an employer-based plan, who enrolls in those plans, and the reasons why workers choose not to enroll.   more info >

Climate Change and Its Impact on Infrastructure Systems in the Midwest
Midwest Economic Policy Institute, October 2017, 10 pp.
This study examines how climate change will negatively impact transportation and infrastructure systems across the Midwest. It offers information for policymakers regarding the potential costs and consequences of climate change, and recommends actions to protect communities and the economy.   more info >

Financial Causes and Consequences of Child Maltreatment
Institute for Research on Poverty, May 2017, 2 pp.
Child maltreatment happens in all kinds of families, but low income is the most consistent predictor. New research goes beyond association to reveal a causal relationship between poverty and child maltreatment, showing that poverty exists as both a cause and consequence of child abuse and neglect. This brief describes the latest statistics on child maltreatment as reported to child protective services (CPS) agencies and goes on to highlight these related findings.   more info >

Later Retirement, Inequality in Old Age, and the Growing Gap in Longevity Between Rich and Poor
Brookings Institute, January 2016, 88 pp.
Explores the gap between lifetime Social Security benefits received by poor and less educated workers and the benefits received by high-income and well educated workers, which is widening in favor of higher income workers.   more info >

What Comes First, People or Jobs: Evidence and Lessons for Indiana
Center for Business and Economic Research, Ball State University, January 2016, 7 pp.
This study examines population and employment growth in Indiana’s 92 counties in the decades of the 1970s and the 2000s to determine whether job attraction or people attraction is a larger factor in county population growth.   more info >

The Growing Distance Between People and Jobs in Metropolitan America
Brookings Institution, March 2015, 25 pp.
This analysis looks trends in employment location from 2000 to 2012, documenting the geographic distribution of metropolitan jobs during the this period and the implications for regional strategies around economic development, housing, transportation, and workforce.   more info >

2014 North Dakota Caregiving and Financial Security Study Briefs
AARP, January 2015, 6 pp.
Results from surveys of North Dakota registered voters age 45 and older regarding  financial security, family caregiving, and their opinions on proposals to support family caregivers in the state.    more info >

Web sites

Disrupting Inequality: Advancing Racial and Economic Justice
Founded in 1991, Living Cities is an innovative collaborative of 22 of the world's largest foundations and financial institutions. It works to to develop and scale new approaches for creating opportunities for low-income people and improving the cities where they live.   more info >

Promising Occupations Achievable for Low-Income Families Through Short-Term Education or Training
This report identifies promising occupations that are achievable for low-income workers after a relatively short-term investment in education or training. It is part of a project on family self-sufficiency and stability research. For each state, a table highlights promising occupations, listed from highest to lowest number of projected annual jobs.   more info >

Smart Growth
Resources and information on smart growth strategies that can help communities grow in ways that expand economic opportunity while protecting human health and the environment.   more info >

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North Dakota Compass

Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

Compass created by:
Wilder Research

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