
Reports: Health

Kids Count Data Book: State Trends in Child Well-Being
Annie E. Casey Foundation, July 2024, 54 pp.
This annual report provides data on 10 indicators of child well-being, by state and for the U.S. States are ranked on each indicator and compared to previous years.   more info >

The State of America's Children
Children's Defense Fund, December 2023, 86 pp.
A compilation of national and state-by-state data on poverty, health, child welfare, youth at risk, early childhood development, education, nutrition and housing. Report is compiled annually.   more info >

America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, September 2023, 118 pp.
Reports data on a set of indicators of child well-being. Indicators included are in the categories of family and social environment, economic categories, health care, physical environment and safety, behavior, education, and health. This is an annual report.   more info >

U.S Child Poverty Has Significantly Increased
September 2023, 8 pp.
The year 2023 saw a significant increase in child poverty, with 12.4 percent of children living in poverty in 2022 compared with 5.2% of children in 2021. This represents a more than doubling of child poverty in 2022 from 2021 - a record one-year increase due largely to the expiration of improvements to the Child Tax Credit included in the American Rescue Plan Act.   more info >

Research Update on Peer Support for Youth and Young Adults
Pathways to Positive Futures, Portland State University, July 2022, 5 pp.
This report summarizes research on peer support for youth and young adults who experience serious mental health conditions.   more info >

Gaps in Coverage: A Look at Child Health Insurance Trends
Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families, November 2021, 10 pp.
The number of uninsured children was on a downward trajectory for many years, but in 2017 started going back up. This issue brief examines the incidence and characteristics of children who experienced a period of uninsurance over the course of a recent year, including by race and ethnicity, and examples some of the negative consequences of gaps in health insurance coverage.   more info >

Children in the States Factsheets
Children's Defense Fund, September 2021
Fact sheets for each state that provide basic stats and rankings regarding poverty, health, hunger, child welfare, early childhood development, education and youth at risk.   more info >

Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to improve U.S. health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 2021, 4 pp.
A analysis providing comprehensive estimates of the potential to improve Americans’ health by preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Preventing ACEs could potentially reduce chronic diseases, risky health behaviors, and socioeconomic challenges later in life.   more info >

Basic Facts About Low-Income Children
National Center for Children in Poverty, April 2021, 9 pp.
These fact sheets describe the demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic characteristics of children and their parents. They highlight important factors that appear to distinguish low-income and poor children from their less disadvantaged counterparts.   more info >

Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among Children and Adolescents Aged 2–19 Years: United States, 1963–1965 Through 2017-2018
National Center for Health Statistics, December 2020, 7 pp.
Results from the 2017–2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, using measured heights and weights, indicate that an estimated 17.2% of U.S. children and adolescents aged 2–19 years are obese and another 16.2% are overweight   more info >

School health profiles: Characteristics of health programs among secondary schools in selected U.S. sites
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, December 2020, 209 pp.
Summarizes results from a national survey measuring school health policies and practices. Profiles include information about health education, physical education, health services, healthy and safe school environment, and family and community involvement. Surveys are conducted every two years.   more info >

Breastfeeding report card -- United States, 2020
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 2020, 4 pp.
This report card provides both national and state-level data which enable communities to monitor breastfeeding progress.   more info >

North Dakota KIDS COUNT Fact Book
North Dakota KIDS COUNT, October 2019, 219 pp.
Provides North Dakota state, region, and county-level data on child well-being, including demographics, family and community, economic well-being, education and early care, health, and safety and risky behaviors.   more info >

Food Insecurity and Child Health
American Academy of Pediatrics, October 2019, 9 pp.
Addresses the relationship of food insecurity and health among children, finding that household food insecurity was related to significantly worse general health and health care access for children.   more info >

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2019, 162 pp.
National survey that monitors six categories of health-risk behaviors among youth and young adults (grades 9-12). The study addresses violence, tobacco and drug use, sexual behaviors, dietary behaviors, and physical activity. Includes state-by-state comparisons.   more info >

Universal Approaches to Promoting Healthy Development: The Future of Children Spring 2019
The Brookings Institution and Princeton University, March 2019, 270 pp.
Includes a variety of articles that look at how society can best support parents, beginning early in their children's lives, describing several ways that local communities have tried to provide such support by implementing new interventions, reforming existing systems of care, and improving the coordination and planning of services.   more info >

Local Workforce Development Boards and Child Care: Insights from Five Site
Urban Institute, August 2018, 40 pp.
This report explores how workforce development programs can help address child care barriers and meet the needs of parents seeking education and training.   more info >

State Level Trends in Children's Health Insurance Coverage
SHADAC Data Center, June 2018, 36 pp.
This report examines data from the American Community Survey (ACS) to compare health insurance coverage from 2013 to 2016 for children nationwide and at the state level.   more info >

State Indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetables, 2018
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2018, 18 pp.
Provides national and state-specific information on fruit and vegetable consumption and policy and environmental support within each state.   more info >

Health Insurance Coverage Status for Children in North Dakota
Kids Count North Dakota, June 2018, 4 pp.
Health insurance coverage statistics for children in North Dakota.   more info >

Health Insurance Coverage among Children Ages 3 and Younger and Their Parents: National and State Estimates
Urban Institute, January 2018, 44 pp.
Using data from the American Community Survey (ACS), this brief finds that relatively few children ages 3 and younger were uninsured in 2015 nationally and in most states, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was associated with increased coverage among both young children and their parents. However, 13.2 percent of the parents of young children were uninsured, higher than among parents of older children. Furthermore, nearly half of children ages 3 and younger--and over a fifth of their parents--were covered by Medicaid/CHIP in 2015; therefore, Medicaid/CHIP policy changes would have outsize effects on these families.   more info >

Children Living With Parents Who Have a Substance Use Disorder
Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, August 2017, 8 pp.
This report presents information on the number of children who are living with at least one parent with an substance use disorder related to their use of alcohol or illicit drugs. It examines risk factors related to children's own substance use, mental health, and academic, social, and family functioning.   more info >

More Than 95 Percent of U.S. Children Had Health Insurance in 2015
Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire, April 2017, 2 pp.
Fact sheet on changes in children's private health insurance coverage in the United States.   more info >

Chartbook: Trends in Rural Children’s Health and Access to Care
South Carolina Rural Health Research Center, January 2017, 16 pp.
This chartbook looks at the health status of rural and urban children from 2003–2012. Due principally to expansions in Medicaid eligibility, the national proportion of children who lacked health insurance declined during that time. The chartbook focuses on the demographics of rural children, their financial access to care, reported use of care, and parentally-reported health status.   more info >

Toward A More Equitable Future: The Trends and Challenges Facing America's Latino Children
National Council of La Raza, September 2016, 52 pp.
This data book offers an overview of national and state-level trends in the characteristics and well-being of Hispanic children. It shows that while Latinos have made important gains in several key areas of well-being in the last decade, Hispanic youth continue to lag behind white youth on other key social and economic indicators.   more info >

Hispanic Children Least Likely to Have Health Insurance Citizenship, Ethnicity, and Language Barriers to Coverage
Carsey School of Public Policy, June 2016, 6 pp.
This policy brief examines health insurance coverage of Hispanic children and its relationship to their citizenship status, their parents’ citizenship status, parents’ insurance coverage, language spoken at home, and their state’s Medicaid expansion policies.   more info >

Poverty and Child Health in the United States
American Academy of Pediatrics, April 2016, 16 pp.
Almost half of young children in the United States live in poverty or near poverty. Poverty and related social determinants of health can lead to adverse health outcomes in childhood and across the life course, negatively affecting physical health, socio-emotional development, and educational achievement. This report consists of a policy statement and a technical report describing current knowledge on child poverty and the mechanisms by which poverty influences the health and well-being of children.   more info >

Arts-Based Programs and Art Therapies for At-Risk, Justice-Involved, and Traumatized Youths
National Endowment for the Arts, U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, February 2016, 9 pp.
This report focuses programs and art therapies for at-risk, justice-involved, and traumatized youths, exploring recent research on arts-based programs and arts therapies. Programs were considered arts-based if at least one of the main components was an arts-related activity, or if there was a deliberate use of arts in the program to bring about a change in behavior.   more info >

Many Eligible Children Don't Participate in School Nutrition Programs: Reauthorization Offers Opportunities to Improve
Carsey School of Public Policy, July 2015, 4 pp.
This brief uses data from the 2013 Current Population Survey's Food Security Supplement to document levels of participation in school nutrition programs by region and place type to identify areas of expansion.   more info >

State indicator report on physical activity
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2014, 15 pp.
Includes state-level data about individual behaviors related to physical activity, as well as the presence or absence of physical features and policies that can make being physically active either easy or hard to do.   more info >

Overview of Adverse Child and Family Experiences among North Dakota Children
North Dakota Department of Health, May 2013, 2 pp.
Prevalence of adverse child or family experiences for North Dakota children.   more info >

Blind Spot: The Impact of Missed Early Warning Signs on Children's Mental Health
Center for Children's Advocacy, March 2013, 24 pp.
This study analyzed school records in an effort to identify patterns that could be helpful in designing or strengthening identification and intervention strategies to reduce or prevent serious mental health issues in early adolescence.   more info >

Bullying and Children in the Child Welfare System
National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections, February 2013, 12 pp.
Provides an overview of the topic of bullying, as well as a guide to best practices and other resources for parents, caregivers and child welfare staff in addressing the issue.   more info >

Mental health disorders, Adolescent Health Highlight
Child Trends, January 2013, 10 pp.
Focuses on mental health disorders in adolescence. Includes prevalence rates, consequences and risk of mental disorders, treatment options, and barriers to accessing mental health care.   more info >

Access to mental health care, Adolescent Health Highlight
Child Trends, January 2013, 5 pp.
Focuses on access to mental health care for adolescents. The report describes barriers to treating adolescent mental health disorders; discusses the connection between insurance status and access to mental health treatment; and explains funding for adolescent mental health services.   more info >

Positive mental health: Resilience, Adolescent Health Highlight
Child Trends, January 2013, 6 pp.
Discusses resilience in adolescence, including the characteristics that are associated with resilience, program strategies that promote resilience, and resources on the topic.   more info >

North Dakota five-year needs assessment (2011-2015) for the maternal and child health services Title V block grant program
North Dakota Department of Health, October 2012, 204 pp.
This report focuses on the health care needs of different population groups within North Dakota, including pregnant women, mothers and infants to age 1; children and adolescents; and children and youth with special health-care needs. It provides an overview of the state’s challenges and a description of the state's selected priority needs.   more info >

Results-based public policy strategies for promoting children's social, emotional and behavioral health
Center for the Study of Social Policy, March 2012, 19 pp.
Presents three overarching policy strategies for ensuring that children's mental health needs are identified and addressed. The paper includes specific examples and ways to ensure and sustain success.   more info >

Web sites

CDC Adolescent and School Health
Information, data, and statistics on youth health topics.   more info >

America's Children and the Environment
Presents national data on children's environmental health. Indicators cover conditions in the environment such as air pollution, contaminants measured in children such as blood lead levels, and health conditions such as asthma.   more info >

Kids Count North Dakota
North Dakota KIDS COUNT is a statewide resource for data on the well-being of children in North Dakota, addressing six domains: demographics, health, education, family and community, economic well-being, and safety.   more info >
Presents measures of child wellbeing and policy analysis for states, counties, large cities, and metropolitan areas.   more info >

Child Welfare Information Gateway
The Child Welfare Information Gateway connects child welfare and related professionals to comprehensive information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families. It features data and resources on topics from prevention to permanency, including child abuse and neglect, foster care, and adoption. Includes child welfare-related laws and policies, adoption agencies, support groups, and other information for each state.   more info >

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North Dakota Compass

Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

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