
Reports: Health care

Kids Count Data Book: State Trends in Child Well-Being
Annie E. Casey Foundation, July 2024, 54 pp.
This annual report provides data on 10 indicators of child well-being, by state and for the U.S. States are ranked on each indicator and compared to previous years.   more info >

Report on Health Issues for the State of North Dakota
The University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, February 2023, 385 pp.
A biennial report assessment of the current state of health of North Dakotans and their healthcare delivery system.   more info >

Big Ideas for Children
First Focus, December 2022, 191 pp.
Part of a series calling upon policy thinkers to provide fresh proposals designed to advance federal policy and improve the health, safety, and well-being of children.   more info >

Profile of Older Americans
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging, November 2022, 20 pp.
National data profile of older adults, including living arrangements, racial and ethnic composition, geographic distribution, income, poverty, housing, employment, education, health and health care, disability, and caregiving. New reports are issued annually.   more info >

Rural Hospital Closures Threaten Access: Solutions to Preserve Care in Local Communities
American Hospital Association, September 2022, 10 pp.
This report examines the vital role of rural hospitals and the effects of hospital closures on the health and economic well-being of rural communities. It finds that rural hospitals are disproportionately impacted by issues such as coverage trends, workforce and regulatory barriers and that rural hospitals and health systems often need to be resourceful in pursuing opportunities that improve financial stability and viability.   more info >

State of Black America
National Urban League, June 2022
Annual report presenting the National Urban League's Equality Index. Focuses on unemployment and income equality, but also includes measures of education, health, civic engagement, housing, transportation, and public safety for Hispanic, Black, and White populations. Includes metropolitan area rankings of unemployment and income equality. Requires a free registration to download full reports.   more info >

Children in the States Factsheets
Children's Defense Fund, September 2021
Fact sheets for each state that provide basic stats and rankings regarding poverty, health, hunger, child welfare, early childhood development, education and youth at risk.   more info >

Chart Book: The Far-Reaching Benefits of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid Expansion
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, October 2020, 24 pp.
A growing body of research shows that Medicaid expansion is yielding significant benefits for those gaining coverage, their families, and their communities. This chart book highlights a number of the studies and outcomes.   more info >

The State of Rural Health
Families USA, October 2020, 20 pp.
This report examines rural Americans’ attitudes on their health and livelihoods, and identifies the current demographics of rural America, health care and economic challenges faced by people who live in rural America. It also highlights key national policy recommendations that address rural America’s health care concerns and reduce health disparities in rural communities during the coronavirus pandemic and onward.   more info >

North Dakota's Significant Rural Health Needs as Identified by Critical Access Hospital Community Health Needs Assessments: 2017-2019 Aggregate Results for Rural North Dakota Hospitals
Center for Rural Health, University of North Dakota, June 2020, 4 pp.
Highlights the results of community health needs assessments of North Dakota's Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) from 2017 to 2019, identifying the most pressing healthcare needs in ND's rural communities.   more info >

Linking Health and Economic Prosperity
Wilder Research and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, December 2019, 37 pp.
This study examines the relationship between population health and economic activity in metropolitan areas in the United States through an analysis of longitudinal data that spans a 15-year period. Results suggest that population health contributes meaningfully to a community’s economic strength.   more info >

Health Insurance Coverage Status for Children in North Dakota
Kids Count North Dakota, June 2018, 4 pp.
Health insurance coverage statistics for children in North Dakota.   more info >

North Dakota Behavioral Health System Study
North Dakota Department of Human Services, April 2018, 249 pp.
This assessment presents the findings from the North Dakota Comprehensive Behavioral Health Systems Analysis. It analyzes current utilization and expenditure patterns by payer source and provides actionable recommendations for enhancing the comprehensiveness, integration, cost-effectiveness and recovery orientation of the behavioral health system.   more info >

Full-Time Employment Not Always a Ticket to Health Insurance
Carsey Institute, March 2018, 6 pp.
Employment does not necessarily lead to health coverage for lower-income workers in the same way it typically does for higher income workers. This brief documents differences in health insurance coverage by workers’ income, and explores who is eligible for an employer-based plan, who enrolls in those plans, and the reasons why workers choose not to enroll.   more info >

Health Insurance Coverage among Children Ages 3 and Younger and Their Parents: National and State Estimates
Urban Institute, January 2018, 44 pp.
Using data from the American Community Survey (ACS), this brief finds that relatively few children ages 3 and younger were uninsured in 2015 nationally and in most states, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was associated with increased coverage among both young children and their parents. However, 13.2 percent of the parents of young children were uninsured, higher than among parents of older children. Furthermore, nearly half of children ages 3 and younger--and over a fifth of their parents--were covered by Medicaid/CHIP in 2015; therefore, Medicaid/CHIP policy changes would have outsize effects on these families.   more info >

America's Young Adults: Special Issue, 2014
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, July 2014, 100 pp.
Detailed report that provides data on young adults, ages 18-24. Includes demographic characteristics, living situation, and overall well-being.   more info >

Aiming Higher: Results from a Scorecard on State Health System Performance, 2014
The Commonwealth Fund, May 2014, 56 pp.
Assesses states on 42 indicators of health care access, quality, costs and outcomes from 2007 through 2012. Report, data tables, and state-by-state profiles are all available.   more info >

Time to Act: Investing in the Health of Our Children and Communities
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, January 2014, 120 pp.
Explores ways to improve the health of Americans by focusing on experiences in early childhood, opportunities that communities provide for people to make health choices, and the mission and incentives of health professionals and health care institutions.   more info >

Financial Burden of Medical Care: A Family Perspective
National Center for Health Statistics, January 2014, 8 pp.
Explores selected family demographic characteristics and their association with financial burdens of medical care.   more info >

Emerging Health Trends in North Dakota: Community Health Needs Assessments Aggregate Data Report
Center for Rural Health, University of North Dakota, September 2013, 52 pp.
This report present results of a systematic review of needs collected from 21 CHNAs to compose a macro understanding of community health needs in rural North Dakota. It shows that the Tier 1 needs occurring most frequently are: limited number of health care providers, higher costs of health care for consumers, financial viability of hospitals, mental health, and elevated rates of adult obesity.   more info >

The Hidden Health Costs of Transportation
American Public Health Association, February 2010, 12 pp.
Estimates the health care costs of obesity, air pollution from traffic, and traffic crashes based on existing case studies, and argues for incorporating health evaluation and cost assessment as part of transportation policy.   more info >

Web sites

Economic Policy Institute
Focuses on the economic condition of low- and middle-income Americans and their families. Includes issue guides on the following topics: living wage, minimum wage, poverty and family budgets, retirement security, Social Security, unemployment insurance, and welfare.   more info >

Prosperity Now Scorecard
Ranks the 50 states and the District of Columbia on performance measures in the areas of Financial Security, Business Development, Homeownership, Health Care and Education.   more info >

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North Dakota Compass

Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

Compass created by:
Wilder Research

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