
Reports: Substance abuse

Kids Count Data Book: State Trends in Child Well-Being
Annie E. Casey Foundation, July 2024, 54 pp.
This annual report provides data on 10 indicators of child well-being, by state and for the U.S. States are ranked on each indicator and compared to previous years.   more info >

State of Black America
National Urban League, June 2022
Annual report presenting the National Urban League's Equality Index. Focuses on unemployment and income equality, but also includes measures of education, health, civic engagement, housing, transportation, and public safety for Hispanic, Black, and White populations. Includes metropolitan area rankings of unemployment and income equality. Requires a free registration to download full reports.   more info >

Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2020, 114 pp.
Annual survey of people in the United States age 12 years and older. It presents data on rates of use and other measures related to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products. Some of the reports include state-level data.   more info >

North Dakota Epidemiological Profile: Alcohol, Tobacco, Illicit Drug and Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drug Prevalence in North Dakota
North Dakota Department of Human Services, September 2020, 203 pp.
This biennual study presents alcohol, tobacco, and drug use rates as well as related rates of treatment, crime, imprisonment, violence, mortality rates, and more. See reports listed under "ND Epidemiological Profiles."   more info >

Behavioral Health Barometer
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2019
A series of state and national reports that provide a snapshot of behavioral health in the United States. The reports present a set of substance use and mental health indicators as measured through data collection efforts sponsored by SAMHSA, including the National Survey on Drug Use and Health and the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services. This array of indicators provides a unique overview of the nation's behavioral health at a point in time as well as a mechanism for tracking change and trends over time.   more info >

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2019, 162 pp.
National survey that monitors six categories of health-risk behaviors among youth and young adults (grades 9-12). The study addresses violence, tobacco and drug use, sexual behaviors, dietary behaviors, and physical activity. Includes state-by-state comparisons.   more info >

Lessons for Employer-School Partnerships to Provide Meaningful Youth Employment Opportunities
Child Trends, June 2019, 6 pp.
Examines an initiative to promote career- and college-readiness among high school students and improve student outcomes. This brief focuses on lessons learned in providing students with real work experiences and exploring the role that employer partners play in implementation.   more info >

Substance Use in North Dakota 2019
North Dakota Department of Human Services, February 2019, 28 pp.
Data on alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use in North Dakota. Also looks at the consequences of use, such as drug or alcohol-related arrests and crashes.   more info >

Health Equity in Prevention
Wilder Research, January 2019
The Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota provided funding to organizations through the Health Equity in Prevention initiative to advance health equity through policy, systems, and environmental changes. Wilder Research conducted a review of tools than can assess organizational capacity to advance health equity. Evaluation work included conducting ripple effect mapping discussions with HEiP-funded organizations to understand project impacts. Reports also highlight policy work and lessons learned.   more info >

Children Living With Parents Who Have a Substance Use Disorder
Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, August 2017, 8 pp.
This report presents information on the number of children who are living with at least one parent with an substance use disorder related to their use of alcohol or illicit drugs. It examines risk factors related to children's own substance use, mental health, and academic, social, and family functioning.   more info >

America's Young Adults: Special Issue, 2014
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, July 2014, 100 pp.
Detailed report that provides data on young adults, ages 18-24. Includes demographic characteristics, living situation, and overall well-being.   more info >

Two Decades of Investment in Substance-Use Prevention and Treatment
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, March 2014, 113 pp.
A retrospective report on RWJF's funding to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs. Includes a timeline of major substance-use activities, a look at impacts in the field and programs that contributed to that impact, changes in substance use indicators, and key players in the substance-use field.   more info >

Web sites

Social Programs That Work
This site summarizes the findings from well-designed randomized controlled trials. It includes programs in the areas of early childhood, education, substance abuse and treatment, mental health, crime and violence prevention, employment and welfare, and more.   more info >

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North Dakota Compass

Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

Compass created by:
Wilder Research

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