
Reports: Children's health

Kids Count Data Book: State Trends in Child Well-Being
Annie E. Casey Foundation, July 2024, 54 pp.
This annual report provides data on 10 indicators of child well-being, by state and for the U.S. States are ranked on each indicator and compared to previous years.   more info >

State of Black America
National Urban League, June 2024
Annual report from the National Urban League. The most recent report focuses on the impact of the 1964 Civil Rights, and includes measures related income, education, health, civic engagement, housing, transportation, and public safety for Hispanic, Black, and White populations. Includes metropolitan area rankings of unemployment and income equality.   more info >

The State of America's Children
Children's Defense Fund, December 2023, 86 pp.
A compilation of national and state-by-state data on poverty, health, child welfare, youth at risk, early childhood development, education, nutrition and housing. Report is compiled annually.   more info >

America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, September 2023, 118 pp.
Reports data on a set of indicators of child well-being. Indicators included are in the categories of family and social environment, economic categories, health care, physical environment and safety, behavior, education, and health. This is an annual report.   more info >

March of Dimes Birth Report Card for North Dakota
March of Dimes, December 2022, 6 pp.
Presents data on preterm births and infant/maternal health. Reports available for each state.   more info >

Basic Facts About Low-Income Children
National Center for Children in Poverty, April 2021, 9 pp.
These fact sheets describe the demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic characteristics of children and their parents. They highlight important factors that appear to distinguish low-income and poor children from their less disadvantaged counterparts.   more info >

North Dakota Early Childhood Profile
National Center for Children in Poverty, February 2020
Part of a series of state profiles highlighting two-generation state policy choices that promote health, education, and strong families, presented with other data related to the well-being of young children.   more info >

North Dakota KIDS COUNT Fact Book
North Dakota KIDS COUNT, October 2019, 219 pp.
Provides North Dakota state, region, and county-level data on child well-being, including demographics, family and community, economic well-being, education and early care, health, and safety and risky behaviors.   more info >

The Effects Of Early Care And Education On Children’s Health
Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, April 2019, 6 pp.
Examines how early child care and education may lead to improvements in short-and long-term health-related outcomes for children.   more info >

Health Insurance Coverage among Children Ages 3 and Younger and Their Parents: National and State Estimates
Urban Institute, January 2018, 44 pp.
Using data from the American Community Survey (ACS), this brief finds that relatively few children ages 3 and younger were uninsured in 2015 nationally and in most states, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was associated with increased coverage among both young children and their parents. However, 13.2 percent of the parents of young children were uninsured, higher than among parents of older children. Furthermore, nearly half of children ages 3 and younger--and over a fifth of their parents--were covered by Medicaid/CHIP in 2015; therefore, Medicaid/CHIP policy changes would have outsize effects on these families.   more info >

Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children
The Annie E. Casey Foundation, October 2017, 52 pp.
Presents the Race for Results Index, a collection of data presented by racial and ethnic groups and by state. Indicators address early childhood, academic achievement, teen parenting, higher education, and family characteristics.   more info >

Strong at the Broken Places: The Resiliency of Low-Income Parents
National Center for Children in Poverty, April 2017, 20 pp.
By examining factors that promote or hinder children’s healthy development, this policy report draws on recent studies to illustrate the importance of parent resiliency in the development of social-emotional competence among low-income children. The report concludes with program and policy recommendations that have proven effective in promoting the development of protective factors, reducing vulnerabilities, and cultivating resiliency among low-income parents and, consequently, their children.   more info >

Web sites

Young Child Risk Calculator
State-level assessment of the prevalence of young children experiencing selected risk factors which can adversely affect health, school, and development outcomes.   more info >

Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health
Presents state and national data on children's health. Indicators include: overall health status, asthma, socio-emotional difficulties, preventive health and dental care, early childhood experience, repetition of grade, reading, and attending religious services.   more info >

Kids Count North Dakota
North Dakota KIDS COUNT is a statewide resource for data on the well-being of children in North Dakota, addressing six domains: demographics, health, education, family and community, economic well-being, and safety.   more info >

Child Welfare Information Gateway
The Child Welfare Information Gateway connects child welfare and related professionals to comprehensive information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families. It features data and resources on topics from prevention to permanency, including child abuse and neglect, foster care, and adoption. Includes child welfare-related laws and policies, adoption agencies, support groups, and other information for each state.   more info >

North Dakota Compass

Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

Compass created by:
Wilder Research

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