Are Income Tax Breaks for Seniors Good for State Economic Growth?
Carsey School of Public Policy, February 2023, 8 pp.
This brief looks at the impact on state economic growth of expanding income tax breaks for seniors, suggesting it would be beneficial for economic growth. more info >
Profile of Older Americans
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging, November 2022, 20 pp.
National data profile of older adults, including living arrangements, racial and ethnic composition, geographic distribution, income, poverty, housing, employment, education, health and health care, disability, and caregiving. New reports are issued annually. more info >
Social Security Quick Fact Sheets
AARP, June 2022, 2 pp.
National and individual state data on the number of residents receiving Social Security and its impacts on individuals and the economy. more info >
Redesigning Retirement and Human Resource Programs to Support Longer Lives
Stanford Center on Longevity, October 2019, 8 pp.
Explores ways in which employers can redesign their retirement and benefit programs and human resource policies to meet the needs of older workers and enhance the productivity of an aging workforce. more info >
A tale of two retirements: Working longer is exacerbating income inequality among older Americans
Urban Institute, November 2018, 70 pp.
Examines how delaying retirement is deepening income inequality for older adults by leaving those with health problems behind. more info >
Later Retirement, Inequality in Old Age, and the Growing Gap in Longevity Between Rich and Poor
Brookings Institute, January 2016, 88 pp.
Explores the gap between lifetime Social Security benefits received by poor and less educated workers and the benefits received by high-income and well educated workers, which is widening in favor of higher income workers. more info >
Effects of the Great Recession on Older Americans' Health and Well-Being
Population Referene Bureau, November 2015, 7 pp.
This report summarizes research on the effects of the recession on the health and well-being of older Americans and the potential implications for health care systems, retirement decisions, and future Social Security payments. more info >
Living Longer on Less: Post-Recession Senior Insecurity Remains High
The Institute on Assets and Social Policy; Demos, February 2015, 4 pp.
This report examines the long-term economic security of seniors, using the Senior Financial Stability Index (SFSI) to measure the long-term economic security of senior households throughout their retirement years. more info >
2014 North Dakota Caregiving and Financial Security Study Briefs
AARP, January 2015, 6 pp.
Results from surveys of North Dakota registered voters age 45 and older regarding financial security, family caregiving, and their opinions on proposals to support family caregivers in the state. more info >
Aging in the United States
Population Reference Bureau, December 2014, 23 pp.
This report examines recent trends and disparities among adults ages 65 and older, and how baby boomers will reshape America’s older population. more info >
Income and Poverty of Older Americans, 2011
AARP Public Policy Institute, September 2013, 8 pp.
This fact sheet shows that Social Security helps to shield individuals 65 and older from increases in poverty and drops in median income experienced by other age groups since 2007. Even so, in 2011, the official poverty rate was 8.7 percent for people aged 65 and olde., while a measure of poverty produced by the Census Bureau shows 15.1 percent of older Americans in poverty. more info >
North Dakota's Aging Population
North Dakota State University, June 2013, 4 pp.
This brief presents a picture of the health, finances and well-being of adults ages 65 and older in North Dakota. The brief focuses on well-being indicators including population, health care, economics, health risks, and behaviors and health status as well as cognitive impairment and caregiving. more info >