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North Dakota Compass

North Dakota Compass provides and promotes the use of credible data to improve the quality of life in North Dakota.

A project of the Center for Social Research at North Dakota State University, North Dakota Compass provides reliable and consistent information needed by North Dakota’s community, policy, organizational, non-profit, and business leaders who must plan for the future in an environment of continuous change. More >


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Data Highlight

Racial and Ethnic Diversity in North Dakota Nearly Doubled Since 2010.

Featured Article

An Innovative Food Cooperative Venture Provides a Roadmap for Success for Rural Grocers in North Dakota.

Incorporated on April 19, 2021, the Rural Access Distribution Cooperative (RAD) is a shared-services cooperative providing residents of Walsh County with improved access to healthy foods and other important items. RAD, a food distribution network that unites three small-town grocers; delivers products to a community without local food access; and is improving affordability, variety, and convenience for the people who live there. The following article by Dr. Hodur provides some insight into this unique endeavor.

Dr. Nancy Hodur is the director of the Center for Social Research at North Dakota State University and has over 25 years of professional experience in applied research, public policy, and outreach education.



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Social Determinants of Health Toolkit

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Geographic Profiles

Find data organized by geographic area. Get profiles by state, planning region, Native American reservation area, county, metropolitan and micropolitan areas, and cities with populations of at least 1,000 people. View profiles >

State Legislative District Profiles

Highlighting measures focusing on population, household, social, and economic characteristics for each of the 47 districts in North Dakota.
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Community Building Toolkit

Explore the ND Compass Community Building Toolkit. It provides a framework and resources to improve your community development process.



North Dakota Compass 2017 EVALUATION HIGHLIGHTS



Bush Foundation

Otto Bremer Trust


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North Dakota Compass

Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

Compass created by:
Wilder Research

© 2025. All rights reserved.