Planning Region VII comprises Burleigh, Emmons, Grant, Kidder, McLean, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, Sheridan, and Sioux counties.
Total population | 27,781 | 54,877 (2019) |
Percent of Color | 10.3% | 21.8% (2019) |
Percent with one or more disabilities | N/A | 10.3% (2015-2019) |
AGING | ||
Total population (demographics) | 4,835 | 5,356 (2019) |
Real median household income in 2019 dollars (householder age 65+)* | N/A | $48,101 (2015-2019) |
Percent of older adults with one or more disabilities (age 65+) | N/A | 35.3% (2015-2019) |
Total youth population (age 0-17) | 7,390 | 16,357 (2019) |
High schoolers who can trust to talk to one or more adults | N/A | 83.5% (2013) |
High schoolers who have ever had sex | N/A | 44.0% (2019) |
High schoolers who binge drank in the past month | N/A | 15.6% (2019) |
Middle schoolers who have ever had sex | N/A | 7.7% (2019) |
Middle schoolers who have ever binge drank | N/A | 12.3% (2019) |
Voter turnout | N/A | 58.1% (2020) |
Total babies born (all births) | 299 | 1,143 (2019) |
Babies born at low birth weight** | 6.7% | 6.5% (2019) |
Total young child population (age 0-4) | N/A | 5,345 (2019) |
Young children enrolled in preschool (age 3-4) | N/A | 26.2% (2015-2019) |
Young children for whom all parents are working (age 0-5) | N/A | 52.1% (2015-2019) |
Total nonfarm jobs | 15,978 | 52,275 (2019) |
Total farm jobs | 2,332 | 1,530 (2019) |
Real median household income in 2019 dollars* | N/A | $83,260 (2019) |
Individuals below the federal poverty level | 12.3% | 6.9% (2019) |
Adults with diagnosed diabetes (age 20+) | N/A | 8.6% (2017) |
Adults who are obese (age 20+) | N/A | 36.6% (2017) |
Residents without health insurance (under age 65) | N/A | 8.9% (2018) |
Households paying 30% or more of income for monthly housing costs* | 18.2% | 17.8% (2015-2019) |
Homeownership rate | 72.8% | 54.0% (2015-2019) |
Adults with a bachelor's degree or higher (age 25+) | 16.1% | 23.8% (2015-2019) |
Proportion of adults working (age 16-64) | 74.7% | 78.3% (2015-2019) |
* Figures for median household income and households paying 30% or more of their income for housing were collected from survey items asking about income during 1999. Elsewhere on the Compass site these figures are reported as 1999 data, but they are listed here in the 2000 column for comparison purposes.
** Babies with a birth weight under 2,500 grams (5lbs, 8 oz) are considered to be low birth weight.
"N/A" indicates that data are unavailable, an estimate is unreliable, or data are suppressed because too few cases were recorded in the time period.