Williston Micropolitan Area

Located in: North Dakota

Williston micropolitan area comprises Williams County in North Dakota (located in Planning Region I).

Total population19,76137,589 (2019)
Median ageN/A31.3 (2015-2019)
Percent of Color7.7%21.8% (2019)
Percent with one or more disabilitiesN/A10.3% (2015-2019)
Total older adult population (age 65+)3,2613,456 (2019)
Real median household income in 2019 dollars (householder age 65+)*N/A$49,375 (2015-2019)
Percent of older adults with one or more disabilities (age 65+)N/A39.2% (2015-2019)
Total youth population (age 0-17)5,17211,045 (2019)
Total young child population (age 0-4)1,1353,728 (2019)
Young children enrolled in preschool (age 3-4)N/A22.9% (2015-2019)
Young children for whom all parents are working (age 0-5)N/A51.8% (2015-2019)
Total nonfarm jobs11,68735,916 (2019)
Total farm jobs969628 (2019)
Real median household income in 2019 dollars*N/A$87,161 (2015-2019)
Individuals below the federal poverty level*11.4%6.4% (2019)
Adults with diagnosed diabetes (age 20+)N/A9.2% (2017)
Adults who are obese (age 20+)N/A37.9% (2017)
Residents without health insurance (under age 65)N/A15.0% (2015-2019)
Households paying 30% or more of income for monthly housing costs*N/A16.5% (2015-2019)
Homeownership rateN/A52.6% (2015-2019)
Adults with a bachelor's degree or higher (age 25+)N/A23.6% (2015-2019)
Proportion of adults working (age 16-64)N/A78.8% (2015-2019)


In this table, the most recent data uses metropolitan and micropolitan boundary delineations issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in September 2018. Data for the year 2000 refer to one of the prior OMB boundary delineations. Compared to 2000, the September 2018 revision resulted in boundary changes for the Bismarck metropolitan area (gained one county).

* Figures for individuals below the poverty level, median household income, and households paying 30% or more of their income for housing were collected from the 2000 decennial census, which asked about income during 1999. Elsewhere on the Compass site these figures are reported as 1999 data, but they are listed here in the 2000 column for comparison purposes.

"N/A" indicates that data are unavailable, an estimate is unreliable, or data are suppressed because too few cases were recorded in the time period.

North Dakota Compass

Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

Compass created by:
Wilder Research

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