New and Updated Data


  • Population age 65+ by county (map)
  • Population age 65+ by county (ranking)
  • Population age 65+ by metropolitan status
  • Population age 65+ by planning region
  • Population age 65+ by metropolitan and micropolitan areas
  • Population by age and race
  • Population of Color by age
  • White (non-Hispanic) population by age
  • Median age by county (map)
  • Median age by county (ranking)
  • Median age by metropolitan and micropolitan areas
  • Retirement- to working-age ratio by county (map)
  • Retirement- to working-age ratio by county (ranking)
  • Retirement- to working-age ratio by metropolitan status
  • Retirement- to working-age ratio by planning region
  • Retirement- to working-age ratio by metropolitan and micropolitan areas
  • Persons of Color by county (map)
  • Persons of Color by county (ranking)
  • Asian population by county (map)
  • Black population by county (map)
  • Hispanic population by county (map)
  • Native American population by county (map)
  • Population of two or more races by county (map)
  • White (non-Hispanic) population by county (map)
  • Persons of Color by metropolitan status
  • Persons of Color by planning regionv
  • Persons of Color by metropolitan and micropolitan areas

Children & Youth

Population trends
  • By county (percent)
  • By county (number)
  • Asian children by county (map)
  • Black children by county (map)
  • Hispanic children by county (map)
  • Native American children by county (map)
  • Children of two or more races by county (map)
  • White (non-Hispanic) children by county (map)
  • By metropolitan status
  • By planning region
  • By metropolitan and micropolitan areas
  • By race (trend)
  • By race (percent trend)
  • By racial and ethnic group (percent)
  • By racial and ethnic group (children of color only)
  • By racial and ethnic group (children of color trend)


Economic Output (GDP)
  • North Dakota and U.S. (annual change)
  • North Dakota and U.S. (CAGR)
  • North Dakota and U.S. (per working-age adult)
  • North Dakota and U.S. (per capita)
  • Comparison with other states (annual change)
  • Comparison with other states (CAGR)
  • Comparison with other states (per working-age adult)
  • Comparison with other states (per capita)
  • North Dakota, by industry sector


Air quality
  • By county (map)
  • By county (ranking)
  • By metropolitan areas
  • By metropolitan and micropolitan areas
  • By metropolitan and micropolitan areas (annual maximum)
  • By main pollutant (Bismarck metro)
  • By main pollutant (Fargo metro)
  • By main pollutant (Dickinson micro)
  • By main pollutant (Minot micro)
  • By main pollutant (Williston micro)

Data updated in July/August 2024.

North Dakota Compass

Center for Social Research
North Dakota State University

Compass created by:
Wilder Research

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